Hi there, I'm Jesus Fonte

I live in Colorado, and web design has been my passion since 2010.

I was born in Uruguay and came to the United States as a missionary, thanks to the invitation of a Mexican family in Kokomo, Indiana, who helped me adapt to this country, enjoy Mexican food, and experience mariachi music.

Thanks to the opportunities that this country provides, I specialized in web design and online marketing.

When I first arrived here, I worked for a few years in landscaping. I learned to use all the tools of the trade and also gained knowledge about irrigation and hardscaping.

What I enjoyed the most was mowing the lawn with a Scag 36, as well as using the trimmer and the edger.

This experience sparked my interest in the landscaping business, and though I wanted to start my own company, I didn’t pursue it because I was studying web design, and completing my studies would have been challenging.

I enjoy offering my services to landscaping business owners because I value those who work hard to thrive in life.

I hope to be able to serve you, the one reading my profile, soon.


Jesus Fonte.